Saturday, May 31, 2008

16+ mile training run

I knocked out a 16+ mile training run last weekend - my longest run since last summer. I hadn't planned on running so far since I have a Half Marathon scheduled 8 short days later.
I showed up to my Saturday morning group training run planning on 8-10, maybe 12 miles depending on who else was putting in a longer run. Jim, who I refer to as the "Energizer Bunny" 'cause he just keeps going and going..., annouced he was planning on a 16-mile route so I thought I'd just go ahead and join him. I was thinking it was pretty cool that I'm in good enough shape that I could attempt a 16-mile run on a whim. We had a pretty good training run. I was able to keep up with Jim for about 14-15 miles and then just run out of gas. I had to slow down significantly for the last mile or two. I expect that this 16+ mile run was a little too much considering I'm racing the following weekend, but it's a good investment looking forward to the full Marathon in August...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tilden Tough Ten

Well, yesterday was the Tilden Tough Ten. First of the East Bay Trail Triple crown events. I was rested and had a good run. I finished the 10-mile course with a time of 87:40. Over 6 minutes faster than I ran this same event last year!
It was a perfect morning for running, nice out but not too warm. I ran well rested and ran smart. It's very tempting to start out at too fast a pace. Fortunantly, for much of the race I was running with Jim from the Lake Merritt Joggers and Striders Marathon training group. He's great at keeping a good pace. This is a small event limited to 300 runners. It was a pretty solid field of runners, most casual runners opted for the Bay to Breakers which is held on the same day. A time of 87:40 put me in 148th place out of 276 finishers - solidly midpack.
My next race will be the very challenging Lake Chabot Trail Challenge Half Marathon... Stay tuned!